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Sunday, August 04, 2019

El Paso Shooting Deconstructed

The El Paso shooting is being treated as a case of 'domestic terrorism,' US attorney says

Severe Depression

Saturday August 3, 2019 is the date of the El Paso Shooting.

So we have another mass shooting described as terrorism to instill more fear into the American people. It makes us easier to control folks.

A young boy from Allen TX was apprehended at Walmart, the scene of the shooting. 
Allen is one of those rural areas outside of Dallas that has in the past 20 years or so been covered with development tract houses to take advantage of low interest rates. It is known for its exceptional state of the art football stadium.


His online Manifesto blames both political parties and is a rather common political assessment of the US political environment which online contributors and commenters are familiar with. So nothing very new about his thinking.

McLuhan has alerted us to the finest analysis of the media anyone has ever been able to instruct us to learn.



Serial terroristic murders have become common these days. Each one is proclaimed by the media as an EVENT but so far they have not been seen in any total perception - that's what MESSAGE is - that would make them appear normal - they are getting normal however - or as any institutionalized protest or guerrilla action against a government perceived as antagonistic to individuals and currying favor with corporation. Our government is avoiding this as it is bad PR.


A young boy comes from one of those new BLAND areas of new slipshod track development housing thrown up for profit by developers. The rural area has been devoured. The animals must move to find habitat they can continue to survive in. That habitat is shrinking as we type or read this. Those animals are becoming ever more stressed. But what of the people who lived there for all their lives in rural peace that are also getting marginalized. Surely there are many and their children and grandchildren are becoming fraught with anxiety that will be treated with medication if too severe. These are the consequences of the destruction of a local rural area  that gets newly developed for monetary gain by a corporation. One can better understand this young man if one knows this. He lives among those who are affected.

If you are a gamer, know a gamer, or even know some things about gaming there is something else to consider. ALL gamers are aware of these mass shootings as they participate in them online in VIRTUAL REALITY. 

In Virtual Reality you cannot get out of the game unless you unplug your computer. It feels like one of those malware fixer uppers that flashes across your screen telling you to send in money for them to fix it. You cant turn them off and you are desperate. That's how they have stolen millions from people. Gamers know about this sort of thing too.

ALL terrorism is noticed by gamers. Each incident incites them. It is occurring in REAL life but the incident is also like any inclusion in a Virtual Reality game. So there is this immersion in Simulated Reality and in Real Reality (if there is such a thing).

Consider Cronenberg's film CRASH from Ballard's novel.

People are setting up a counterfeit REAL crash to copy a real celebrity crash. Think James Dean's crash that killed him or another celebrity that was maimed: Steve Reeves from being thrown by a horse that he was showing in the Madison Square Garden Horse Show. 

These planned accidents result in the maiming of the participants and sometimes their own deaths. They are SIMULATIONS of the REAL!

The mass shootings are of a similar ilk. CNN described the El Paso Shooting as the largest death and injury total committed by one serial killer that has ever happened in the US.

Do you even get that?

Regressing to the Twilight fandom that was unable to distinguish between the real life romance of Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson from the novel and movie romance of the vampire falling in love with the human girl played by Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart was what fueled this mass hysteria fandom of women waiting days for a glimpse of RobertPattinson
and dropping billions into the corporation of Summit Productions making them solvent and a player in Hollywood instead of the bankruptcy they were tottering toward.

But it is this inability to separate Simulated Reality from Real Reality that is so disturbing. 

Another example occurred in the book and movie DIVERGENT. 
Shailene Woodley and Ansel Elgort are brother and sister in this movie.

Shailene Woodley  was cast for the lead feminine part in The Fault In Our Stars. Ansel Elgort was auditioning for the part of her boyfriend in that movie. Shailene has said she told him he probably wouldn't get it because they were brother and sister in Divergent and issues of INCEST would come up. And WOW did they ever when Elgort got the part. What a furor these young women created.

You see they couldn't tell the difference between Simulated Reality - the movie - and Simulated Reality in another movie, let alone the real life of these two actors that just know each other as friends.

Now that is what is really frightening that none of the fake news journalists ever picked up.

I am being excessive on these examples because of these shootings which can be perceived in the same thought pattern of a distressing inability to see the difference between Simulated Reality and Real Life. 

So now the next shooter will have to scale the bar that CNN just informed them about. CNN you and all the others are RESPONSIBLE for what you say and write. You have put this in the heads of untold gamers ALL OVER THE WORLD. They do not know each other but they feel tribal, in solidarity with each other.

And this is what makes governments impotent, helpless to stop them. Banning guns will now not solve the problem. Too little and too late now.

And what better statement can be made now than to turn WALMART into a danger zone. We can walk in there with a cart from outside, put something in it, throw our coat over that, and go in to shop. Or not to shop. The consequences of this shooting will be to turn WALMART into a surveillance center like nothing we have yet seen. 
Surveillance has been to prevent stealing. Now surveillance will be a whole new ball of wax.

All those Texans that must have their guns, can anyone tell me why they weren't carrying yesterday? and if they were, why didn't they..................? 

And people filming it?

And no one organizing some to just go get him and risk whatever they had to risk doing it. The way the passengers on that Pennsylvania plane did on 9-11?

We watch violent sports but when it comes to the violence in our daily lives we try to save our hides by hiding and getting out ourselves. That is what non patriotism really means.
There is no patriotism to simply STOP the violent murderer.

And these people know Americans are SHEEP who will baaaa and run and hide.

These gamers do not know each other, and yet they know they are a tribe.


They are the ones who may or may not know the difference between Simulated Reality and the Real World of Walmart.

Now maybe this young man shooter can and maybe he cant. IDK

Many men prefer plastic boobs (Simulated Reality) from real ones that do not look so perfect.

And those who rely on GPS know not the territory. The Map is the Territory.

What I do know is that more gamers are out there watching being stimulated by what he did. Dreaming perhaps of what he did. And what they might do as they do know that the US government has lied to us for generations and pretended to take us into consideration but are now obviously being seen as wearing MASKS to obscure the SPECTACLE concealing the REAL that is full of EMPTINESS. 
There is no more American Dream for them. That IDEOLOGY has been shredded and thrown under the bus.

But there is no replacement. And any addict knows that to get clean they MUST replace their dangerous addiction with a healthy addiction. If you want to argue about that read INFINITE JEST  
first, then argue with me.